"Camouflaging" and Pinterest mood boards

Pinterest has turned out to be a surprisingly useful tool for me as an art director. I've been using it to corral and share my visual ideas in advance of making a more formal art proposal. Currently I am working on feature about so-called "camouflaging" by women with autism.

The illustrator picked for this story is Alessandra Genualdo, someone I have not worked with before, but her images came up again and again in my ideas stage, and in the end my Pinterest folder was full of them. The germinating image for this collection is the image in the lower left below. 

Screenshot 2018-02-08 16.23.22.png

This is a fascinating problem from a visual standpoint--women with autism often feel they are 'faking it', or that they are trying hard to blend in socially, or even that they are disappearing, or losing themselves. There's a lot of mental strain, and distorted self-image. Its a scary feeling to imagine, and a terrible thing to live with, but it is a rich concept to tackle in art.

The collection is around different iterations of the idea of 'camouflaging', including an actual kind of camouflage, wallpaper, or pattern that would surround a female figure and hide her somehow in her surroundings, or emphasize potentially awkward gestures, or stimming. The logic of the collection is not based around a particular style, but rather variations in ways the concept could be expressed. See it here: https://www.pinterest.com/skyone1/camouflaging/