Summer of beginnings / endings

After leaving my son Oliver at college on Friday, I found myself traversing a bare and lonely mental space. I could hear the wind whistling in my ears. 

This person I had built my life around for seventeen years was leaving. He gave my life momentum, meaning and structure. Driving away, time stretched both forward and backwards—to the hospital where he was born, breastfeeding, catching him when he fell down the stairs. Now where was he? He was away. And moving ever further. 

In the days leading up to his departure, both of us were in shock. We shopped joylessly for his dorm room. We ate a rare meal at McDonald’s in the mall. We took the subway. I felt that I should be performing a tradition or ritual to mark the occasion but didn't have it in me.

Friends remind me that this separation repeats in mini cycles—they come home, and then leave again. I’m glad not to be the only person going through this, but I know that my bond with Oliver as a single parent and only child has an intense primacy. 

Then there is the question of the unfinished art project—The Alchemist. Oliver and I have been working on it for three years. We started it during the pandemic. Initially, the plan was that we would enact key moments from the book, as a series of photographs, with Oliver as the protagonist. In October 2020, I wrote:

Just finished The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho—a book that has been on my shelves, unread, until Oliver picked it up recently and read it. It is an allegory about a boy shepherd finding his treasure. The boy’s character is very pure and light and it suffuses the book, which is simply written, but rich in meaning. At the end of the story the actual treasure is found, but the boy’s life is so full and he has learned so much by the time he finds it, the treasure seems extraneous. The real treasures are his encounters with the Soul of the World, enabled by various teachers, his own good nature, and following his own destiny.

The book forced me to think more deeply about ideas like destiny. Much is written about how fortune favors those who follow it. Only not all of us have a king in disguise appear to us and reveal it. This line, “The boy was beginning to understand that intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it is all written there,” stood out to me as beautiful. Could this be true?

His journey starts with a repeated dream, which he goes to a fortune teller about. Other themes are omens, and listening to your heart. The boy has some long conversations with his heart. 

He eventually learns to speak the Language of the World. In a dramatic scene, he talks to the wind and the sun and finally, he uses love and prayer to reach the hand that wrote all, in order to turn himself to wind. This is also where he understands for the first time that he is a part of the Soul of God. There is a line in the book where a wise person notes: A blessing ignored becomes a curse.

In our last days together, I was not able to shoot the Alchemist images I had sketched out. There was no way I could begin to approach making art. I will have to return to it next time I see him. I’m not sure this series will ever be fully complete, but I know I can bring it closer, and I think it may become a book.

Endings are not just new beginnings in disguise. They must be mourned and acknowledged. I must be like the boy on his journey—learn to be the wind, or to become one with it. Then the sound in my ears will be the sound of movement, passing through pain, becoming the world, not standing outside of it.